



LiLi Côme and her poetic world...

Lili creates as she breathes. Perched in her workshop in Trois-Ilets, she invents a universe in which poetry and colors come to life. In this universe populated by strange characters who emerge from the canvases at night, Lili Côme is a soul healer who we must tell you about.

Once upon a time there was a little girl who read the stories of Baron Perché. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gouhier, had baptized her Christine. Taking refuge in her novels and her coloring books, she grew up with the idea that this world was not made for her.


As the young Côme, son of Baron Laverse du Rondeau, would have done, she climbed her tree to escape family constraints and decided never to set foot on the ground again. But from the fantastic to the real, there is only one breath. Yet far from cutting herself off from her environment, she dedicated her time to literature and the applied arts, in order to shine the beauty of the world as it appeared to her.

Little Christine became Lili, Lili Côme. Between two courses at the National School of Applied Arts and Crafts, under the direction of visual artists C. Viallat and JM Alberola and two dance steps with the famous choreographer Mya Fry, Lili spreads her wings throughout Paris until on the Beaubourg square.

It was without ever having exhibited that she left Paris and settled in Antibes with only her Beaux Arts diploma. From these years of artistic studies she will say that she never accepted the idea of “the death of pictorial art” in vogue at that time. And it was his pugnacity in fighting it that would become the driving force behind his artistic orientation.

In this pictorial quest, Lili brings art back to life and leads an intimate approach, in the hope of setting art in motion.

It is therefore in Antibes, in this city splashed with light and southern tones that Lili happily finds her large family of colorist painters, Matisse, Klee or Miro, and puts her dearly acquired technique at the service of her creativity. It is part of an expression in symbiosis with the artistic movement of poetic abstraction of Bazaine, Bissière or Estève and adds its magic in order to offer light and aesthetics to the work. Because Lili has always transformed the world into what is most beautiful through alchemy.

Her palette brightens, her features become more singular as she emerges from a long inner journey. She now displays a cheerful painting full of sweetness and verse and is exhibited in Nice, Paris and Cannes on the shelves of the Neel Gallery.


But this metropolis gone mad is no longer made for Lili who finds adventure and escapade to find a tree in which to perch in a new “fairy forest”. And it is in the heights of Trois-Ilets that she finally sets up her easel and can once again in the depths of the island “all her creative energy”, in a Cabin House that she revisits in her workshop. She scratches canvas, wood, oil, watercolor or acrylic, mosaic… everything goes. She invests spaces, invents her tools and puts all her technique at the service of her creativity to restore art in its universality to the world. Its characters born elsewhere can be recognized on the engraved rocks, its colors take the shape of the sea, the Riviera fish or the great cheese makers. Lili is not a simple conveyor of art, she is this soul healer nourishing with her work those who dare to come to meet her.

Published in “MAISON CREOLE” ON 33 661 931397

Text & Photos: Corinne Daunar

A poetic brushstroke...

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